Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Scrapaholix June 2012

I hope everyone's well and looking forward to this month's classes! I loved working with these papers - bright and cheery. Here's what I've come up with:
We've been doing a lot of 'white space' layouts recently, so this month I thought we'd change it round a bit and work in a more linear style. Because of the bold graphics on these papers, they are perfect for using as smaller pieces, such as the scallop circles and stars in this layout. I've actually added a horizontal banner to the right of the photo, as I didn't like the empty space there, but had taken the photo beforehand - you'll see on the day!
I'll be providing the polaroid style frame for you - to make sure your photo will work with it, the measurements of the frame are: 3 1/2" x just over 4". Obviously your photo won't be this size, but a standard 4" x 6" photo will do the job, as long as you don't mind cutting off the edges once you've attached the frame. With this in mind, choose a photo that doesn't have detail that you want to keep right at the edge. Does that make sense?!
I'll also be cutting the title for you. IF you have a photo that suits the phrase 'Birthday Celebration' then that would be brilliant lol, even just the Celebration bit, as I've sized it and designed it to fit the layout perfectly. If not, we can think of something else, but be warned it may not be so ornate!
Lastly, a few things you may wish to bring along if you have them at home to speed up the whole sharing process are:
A white gel pen, that will write on black card (worth having in your arsenal anyway if you don't already own one!), a fine tipped glue that dries clear, a 1" scallop circle punch and any star punches you may own. If you have your own sequins (very trendy in paper crafting at the mo) that you'd like to use, please feel free... but I have THOUSANDS!
Looking forward to seeing you all very soon! xxx
P.S of course if you'd prefer to use a punch different from the stars for your sequin bases you can, if you're bringing one from home, just make sure the shape is smaller than 1' so that it doesn't entirely obscure the scallop circle.
Hope you like! xxx

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Yet Another Challenge!

Good morning all! The challenge I was keen to take part in this time is being hosted by Vicki, AKA melovebono on You Tube. Her stipulations are:
1. To use at least 3 photos
2. To journal about your layout
3. To incorporate stamping within your page
Vickie is fab to watch on You Tube - she often gives me a real belly laugh with the things she says! If you'd like to take part in her challenge, you only have a few days - so get on over and take a look at the vid! without further ado, here's my offering:
I really enjoyed creating this one. I'll quickly go over where I've incorporated her 3 rules.
1.I love the look of Instax photos, but NOT the quality of the pics sometimes lol! I purchased an Instax camera, and have had nothing but trouble with it, sooooooo.... I created an Instax frame on my Silhouette and saved it. Now, I can make any photo an Instax lookalike - so much better! 3 photos, as requested.
2. This page is about the garden, and enjoying it for the few days we can here in the UK whilst the sun is shining! The journalling is bottom right.
3. STAMPING! I love it! First, I cut a hexagon background with my silhouette. I stamped all the hexagons before using the negative cut to place them on my page as a base. The second bit of stamping is the cute little pegs holding the photos - sweet! Lastly, I've stamped 'Live in the Moment' around 3 sides of the photos.
The prize??? A fab $30 gift card to an online craft store of your choice! Obviously it has to be one the Vicki can purchase from whilst in the UK - but with t'internet these days that shouldn't post a problem. Hope you like! xxx